The Pink Profile

The Puzzler

Pink profiles are defined by their natural gift when it comes to numbers. They learn quickly and are highly interested in Maths and Sciences but can occasionally rush their work due to their impatience with writing their working down and extreme confidence in their abilities.

A tool for educators, by educators

Educai stemmed from our 5+ years of experience running our own tutoring business, Wonders of Maths. Everything we develop stems from a real tutor need and is tested by our tutors before being launched.

> Learn more about our history

The what and how of learning

Our platform was built on our belief that true personalised learning takes into account both what and how students should learn.

We listen to your feedback

We work with a wide range of partner agencies to co-build our product. Need a feature that you can’t find anywhere else or think something could be improved to better fit your needs? We continuously incorporate your feedback to ensure our product works for everyone.

Their top 3 learning badges

Lateral thinking

You're great at linking different topics together and understanding how to apply a method you've learnt to another topic


You love learning new information and understanding more context about what you're learning.


You work quickly, especially when dealing with numbers and familiar patterns.

Teaching tips

💪  Challenge them

Spend less time on fundamentals and move onto challenge questions to push them while engaging them. These students tend to love puzzle solving questions that forces them to think outside of the box.

💬  Focus on Wordy Problems

With each topic, spend time working on wordy problems with the student. Ensure that they read the question properly (preferably twice) before moving onto working on the solutions.

👀  Explain things visually

These students learn visually. Try drawing flow chats and colour coding notes to help them absorb the information better.

🧐  Context is key

When approaching a new topic, these students prefer understanding how it will be used in real-life so include a lot of applicable examples in your explanations!